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Short descriptions of our Puzzles:

  • Aggiunta d'antipodo ("Antipode" with adding)

    You get a new word from another one reading it contrariwise and with the addition of one letter at the beginning (e.g.: assale, Melassa). It can also be syllabic (e.g.: magia, PIgiama).
  • Aggiunta d'estremi (Adding of extremes)

    Adding a letter at the beginning and one at the end of a word, you will get a new one (e.g.: cogli, ScogliO).
  • Aggiunta d'estremi sillabica (Syllabic adding of extremes)

    Adding a syllable at the beginning and one at the end of a word, you will get a new one (e.g.: CONsolaRE, or PERgolaTO).
  • Aggiunta finale (Final Adding)

    Adding a letter at the end of a word you will get a new one (e.g.: poster, posterI).
    It can also be "Final Two-letters Adding" or "Final Three-letters Adding" when the letters added are more than one not constituent, however, a syllable (e.g.: colon, colonIA - avari, avariARE).
  • Aggiunta finale sillabica (Final sillabyc Adding )

    Adding a syllable at the end of a word you will get a new one (e.g.: lava, lavaGNA).
  • Aggiunta iniziale (Initial Adding)

    Adding a letter at the beginning of a word you will get a new one (e.g.: orso, Morso).
  • Aggiunta iniziale sillabica (Initial sillabyc Adding)

    Adding a syllable at the beginning of a word you will get a new one (e.g.: orso, Morso).
  • Anagramma (Anagram)

    Changing the order of the letters of a word you will get a new one (e.g.: ostrica = corista).
  • Anagramma a frase ("Phrase" Anagram)

    It's an anagram but the result is not a single word but a short phrase (e.g.: cene, artisti = tre cineasti).
  • Anagramma a scarto (Anagram with discard)

    It is a combination of the anagram and the discard. From a word you get a new one discarding a letter and anagramming the remaining ones (es. cercatore, creatore).
  • Anagramma crittografico (Cryptography Anagram)

    It's a cryptography where the solution are anagrams that form a single sentence
    (e.g.: sudamericano non istruito = argentino ignorante, where argentino is the anagram of ignorante).
  • Anagramma diviso (Divided Anagram)

    It has to be solved like a "Phrase" anagram but the solution is formed by two or more words not related with each other. Or, from the anagram of two not related words, a single word is obtained (e.g.: terracotta = ratto, creta).
  • Anagrammi (Anagrams)

    Changing the order of the letters of a word you will get new ones (e.g.: rocce, croce, cerco, recco).
  • Antipodo ("Antipode")

    You get a new word from another one reading it contrariwise without moving the first letter (e.g.: Cotenne, Canneto).
  • Antipodo inverso (Reversed "Antipode")

    You get a new word from another one reading it contrariwise without moving the last letter (e.g.: citereI, ereticiI).
  • Antipodo palindromo (Palindrome "Antipode")

    The word to be found will remain the same reading it contrariwise and keeping the first letter in its position (e.g.: Mottetto).
  • Antipodo palindromo inverso (Reversed palindrome "Antipode")

    The word or phrase to be found will remain the same reading it contrariwise and keeping the last letter in its position (e.g.: minimO).
  • Antipodo palindromo sillabico (Syllabic palindrome "Antipode")

    The word to be found will remain the same reading the syllables contrariwise and keeping the first syllable in its position (e.g.: FEnomeno).
  • Antipodo palindromo sillabico inverso (Reversed syllabic palindrome "Antipode")

    The word to be found will remain the same reading the syllables contrariwise and keeping the last syllable in its position (e.g.: cavalcaRE).
  • Antipodo senza capo (Antipode without head)

    You get a new word from another one reading it contrariwise and removing the first letter (e.g. Minimo, omini).
  • Antipodo sillabico (Syllabic "Antipode")

    You get a new word from another one reversing the order of the syllables without moving the first syllable (e.g.: DEnotare, DEretano).
  • Bifronte (Bifrontal)

    You get a new word from another one reading it contrariwise (e.g.: organo, onagro).
  • Bifronte a cambio di capo (Bifrontal with head change)

    To get the second word, the first must be read in reverse after the change of the initial letter (e.g. Banana, ananaS).
    It can be syllabic (e.g. TASsati, tisaNA).
  • Bifronte senza capo (Bifrontal without head)

    You get a new word from another one reading it contrariwise and removing the first letter (e.g.: Carogna, angora). It could also be syllabic.
  • Bifronte sillabico (Syllabic Bifrontal)

    You get a new word from another one reading the syllables contrariwise (e.g.: laconica, canicola).
  • Bisenso (Double meaning word)

    The word to be found has two different meanings (e.g.: cancello, which could be a verbal predicate or a noun with two different meanings). Also the change of accent (from grave to acute or vice versa) is considered a double meaning word (e.g.: pèsca, pésca).
  • Cambi d'iniziale (Changes of Initial)

    You get new words from another one changing the first letter (e.g.: Cuore, Muore, Suore). All the words found must be different. It can also be specified if the letter is always a consonant or always a vowel.
  • Cambio d'antipodo (Change of "Antipode")

    You get a new word from another one reading it contrariwise without moving the first letter which will be changed with another (e.g.: Grati, Sitar). It could also be syllabic.
  • Cambio d'iniziale (Change of Initial)

    You get a new word from another one changing the first letter (e.g.: Messa, Ressa). It can be specified if the letter is always a consonant, always a vowel or a syllable.
  • Cambio di consonante (Change of Consonant)

    You get a new word from another one changing a consonant with another consonant (e.g.: careZze, careNze).
  • Cambio di consonante a frase (Phrase change of consonant)

    A change of consonant is a "phrase change of consonant" when the consonant exchange takes place between a word and a phrase
    (e.g.: laNcia, la Scia).
  • Cambio di consonante continuativo (Continuous change of consonant)

    From a word you get another one with a meaning similar to that of the given one, after having replaced a consonant with another consonant. The two parts, the given one and the solution, are a continuation one of the other and the sequence of words, as a whole, has a continuous meaning.
    (e.g.: Faccio opera eburnea, Lavoro l'avorio).
  • Cambio di consonante doppia (Change of a double Consonant)

    You get a new word from another one changing a double consonant with another double consonant (e.g.: aTTendere, aRRendere).
  • Cambio di finale (Change of final letter)

    You get a new word from another one changing the last letter (e.g.: sortE, sortA). It can be specified if the letter is always a consonant, always a vowel or a syllable.
  • Cambio di genere (Change of gender)

    The two words to be found are of two different genders, masculine and feminine, but their meaning is completely different (e.g.: complessO, complessA, where "complesso" refers to a musical group and "complessa" means complicated).
  • Cambio di lettera (Change of letter)

    From a word you get another one changing a consonant in a vowel or a vowel in a consonant (e.g.: coRrente, coErente).
  • Cambio di lettera a frase (Phrase change of letter)

    A change of letter is a "phrase change of letter" when the letter exchange takes place between a word and a phrase
    (e.g.: larDoso, l'arIoso).
  • Cambio di sillaba (Change of syllable)

    From a word you get another one changing a syllable with a new one (e.g.: reTAta, reMOta).
  • Cambio di vocale (Change of vowel)

    From a word you get another one changing a vowel with a new one (e.g.: trOppa, trIppa).
  • Cambio di vocale a frase (Phrase change of vowel)

    A change of vowel is a "phrase change of vowel" when the vowel exchange takes place between a word and a phrase
    (e.g.: lavEllo, l'avAllo).
  • Cerniera (Hinge)

    Starting from two words a third one has to be found joining the two words after having removed the initial part of the first and the final part of the second which are equal (e.g.: Taro, GOta = rogo).
  • Cernita (Selection)

    A pair of words, or phrases, has to be found discarding the couples of identical letters from the first word - or phrase - and obtaining a new word through the anagram of the letters left
    (eg.: ViaggiaTORE >> VETRO
    quaderNO a quAdrettI >> NOIA).
  • Cernita totale (Total selection)

    Differently from the cernita, in the cernita totale only a single sentence has to be found since, discarding the letters in pairs, nothing remains (e.g.: IO NON STIMO ME STESSO).
  • Crittografia (Cryptography)

    From an expression, a word or a quote, which have been encoded in some way, you must find a phrase that describes the position and/or the presence of the various letters and symbols, or the addition or deletion of letters. The above letters, in the resulting sentence, must appear in the same order in which they are present in the quote.
  • Crittografia a frase (Phrase Cryptography)

    Reading the given phrase you must find a first solution that will bring to the final solution where the letters are the same but differently divided (e.g.: SONO IL GRANDE GATSBY >> LADD IO >> L'ADDIO).
  • Crittografia mnemonica (Mnemonic Cryptography)

    A phrase, synonymous of the given one, has to be found. The phrase must have also another meaning
    (e.g.: È un tiratore? Siate sinceri! >> Franco Franchi).
  • Crittografia sinonimica (Synonymic Cryptography)

    It's a Cryptography where in the first solution a synonymic phrase of the given one has to be found. In the final solution the letters are the same but differently divided (e.g.: G.OCCHI NELLA FARINATA >> La N ci dà grumi >> Lanci d'agrumi).
  • Ditloide (Ditloid)

    In this game you must guess a sentence or a title having available numbers, conjunctions, articles, prepositions and the initials of the words that form the sentence (e.g.: 100 C in un M = 100 Centimetri in 1 Metro).
  • Doppia Zeppa Anagrammata (Double Wedge with Anagram)

    Game created by ModestoVallerana.
    From a word you get a new one inserting two equal letters and making the anagram (e.g.: cielo, SciolSe).
  • Enigma Logico (Logic Puzzle)

    It's a game where you get to the solution using logic and intuition.
  • Falso accrescitivo (False Augmentative)

    From the first word a second one has to be found adding an augmentative suffix. The two words must have a completely different meaning (e.g.: porto, portONE).
  • Falso diminutivo (False Diminutive)

    From the first word a second one has to be found adding a diminutive suffix. The two words must have a completely different meaning (e.g.: botto, bottINO).
  • Falso iterativo (False Iterative)

    From the first word a second one has to be found adding the iterative prefix "ri-". The two words must have a completely different meaning (e.g.: morso, RImorso).
  • Falso peggiorativo (False Pejorative)

    From the first word a second one has to be found adding a pejorative suffix. The two words must have a completely different meaning (e.g.: foca, focACCIA).
  • Falso vezzeggiativo (False Diminutive - pet name)

    From the first word a second one has to be found adding a diminutive (pet name) suffix. The two words must have a completely different meaning (e.g.: carta, cartUCCIA).
  • Frase anagrammata (Phrase Anagram)

    It's an anagram where both solutions are phrases (e.g.: editore sardo, arido deserto).
  • Frase anagrammata divisa (Divided Phrase Anagram)

    It has to be solved like a "Phrase anagram", but the solution is formed by two or more words not related with each other. Or, from the anagram of two or more not related words, a phrase is obtained (e.g.: crema di riso = ma, se, ricordi).
  • Frase bifronte (Bifrontal phrase)

    You get a new phrase from another one reading it contrariwise (e.g.: odi vile, è livido).
  • Frase palindroma (Palindrome phrase)

    The phrase to be found does not change reading it contrariwise (e.g.: eterni in rete).
  • Gioco matematico (Mathematical Puzzle)

    It's a game where you get to the solution using mathematics and intuition.
  • I Treni (The Trains)

    "Three Illustrated Puzzles", game created by ModestoVallerana.
    Looking at the scene of the painting, solve the three following riddles related to the place, things and characters depicted.
  • Incastro (Insertion)

    Starting from two words a new one has to be found dividing the first one and inserting the second (e.g.: CONTO, vola = CONvolaTO). An insertion can be done also with more than two words where, however, it is only the first word to be divided while the others are reported as they are in the final phrase.
  • Indovinello (Riddle)

    The word to be found is hidden in puns and allusions in a text written in verse.
  • Intarsio (Inlay)

    From two words a new one has to be found dividing the first one in three parts and the second one in two parts. Finally, alternating the parts of the two words, the third one will be found (e.g.: SOVRANO, echi = SOVeRchiANO).
  • Inversione di frase (Inversion of phrase)

    Reversing the order of the words in a phrase, another one should be found with a different meaning (e.g.: passato il sogno, sogno il passato).
  • Le differenze (Find the differences)

    Looking at the two images, find their differences and reply as specified in the question.
  • Lucchetto (Padlock)

    From two words a new one has to be found joining them and removing the final part of the first word and the initial part of the second which are equal (e.g.: fiaBA, BAsco = fiasco).
  • Lucerna (Lamp)

    Discarding the beginning of the first word and the end of the second, the end of the first and the beginning of the second, respectively equal, joining the letters left you get a third word (e.g.: moSCHEa, aDAmo = SCHEDA).
  • Monoverbo (Mono-word)

    It is a "Cryptography" where the solution is not a phrase but a word (e.g.: DIDIRDIDI >> Tra DI R è >> Tradire).
  • Monoverbo a frase (Mono-word phrase)

    It is like a "Phrase Cryptography" but the solution is a word not a phrase (e.g: "Incisivo!" esclamai >> Dissi dente >> Dissidente).
  • Monoverbo sinonimico (Synonymic Mono-word)

    It is like a "Synonymic Cryptography" but the solution is a word not a phrase (e.g: FIRS. BLOOD >> Dì T: Rambo = Ditirambo).
  • Palindromo (Palindrome)

    The word to be found does not change reading it contrariwise (e.g.: avallava). It could also be syllabic (e.g.: remore).
  • Poker dell'IndiAna (IndiAna's Poker)

    "Clues in Anagrams", game created by ModestoVallerana.
    Choose, between the Anagrams of the four clues, those who share a relationship that allows to identify something, a place, a literary work or a character. Who or what is it?


    IndiAna's Poker (Phrase: 6)



    1)PESCO 2)OLMO 3)ARANCIO 4)RAMI, which suggests that the word to find is ALBERI.

    WARNING!!! Write in the solution ONLY the word "ALBERI" (or "ALBERO") and NOT the solutions of the four anagrams.
    To simplify the game sometimes are also indicated the length of the phrases of the four clues.
  • Polisenso (Word with several meanings)

    The word to be found might have more than two different meanings (e.g.: piano).
  • Raddoppio di consonante (Doubling of consonant)

    From a word you get another one doubling one of the consonant (e.g.: roSa, roSSa).
  • Raddoppio di consonanti (Doubling of consonants)

    From a word you get another one doubling two consonants (e.g.: aLaTo, aLLaTTo).
  • Rebus (Rebus puzzle)

    Much can be said about rebus: it would take pages and pages to fully describe and explain all its variants. In these few lines we can only say that the aim of the game is to obtain a hidden phrase from a design that may contain characters (called "graphemes"). Objects or actions overwritten by graphemes will be part of the final solution together with the graphemes. It's also indicated the number of words of the solution and their length. To help in the solution, sometimes, is shown the "first reading" which is an indication of the number of words shown in the drawing and of the letters forming these words (e.g.: Rebus (5, 8). Graphemes STA over a mouse (in Italian: "topo"), graphemes SO on the pole of a globe (in Italian: "polo"). First reading: 3, 4, 4, 2. Solution: STA topo, polo SO = STATO POPOLOSO).
  • Rebus a Cambio (Rebus puzzle with changes)

    It is a rebus in which each grapheme must replace one of the characters of the word describing the object or action shown in the drawing by the same grapheme.
  • Rebus a Diritto e Rovescio (Straight and Reversal Rebus puzzle)

    Game created by ModestoVallerana.
    In this type of rebus each word of the first reading may appear in the solution either on the correct order or contrariwise.
  • Rebus a Domanda e Risposta ("Question and Answer" Rebus puzzle)

    In this type of rebus the first reading is made up by a question and an answer.
  • Rebus a Incastro ("Insertion" Rebus puzzle)

    It is a rebus in which each grapheme must be inserted in the characters of the word describing the object or action shown in the drawing by the same grapheme, and not only at the end or the beginning of such words (as in the normal rebus).
    Sometimes it is called "Wedge Rebus puzzle".
  • Rebus a Rovescio (Reversal Rebus puzzle)

    In this rebus, in order to find the solution, the first reading must be written contrariwise.
  • Rebus a Scarto ("Discard" Rebus puzzle)

    It is a rebus where the letters of the graphemes must be removed from the words describing the objects or action shown in the drawing.
  • Rebus Anagrammato (Anagram Rebus puzzle)

    In this rebus you should not insert in the first reading the subjects or actions indicated by the graphemes, but their anagrams. Usually the first reading indicates how to make the anagrams.
  • Rebus Animato (Animated Rebus puzzle)

    Here the rebus is no longer represented by a simple design but by a small movie or cartoon.
  • Rebus Descritto (Described Rebus puzzle)

    It is a rebus where the design and the position of the graphemes are described in words.
  • Rebus Descritto Stereoscopico (Described Stereoscopic Rebus puzzle)

    This is a stereoscopic rebus in which the design and the position of graphemes are described in words.
  • Rebus Misto (Mixed Rebus puzzle)

    In this rebus the graphemes may be read in different ways: as in the classic rebus (adding them on top or at the end of the subjects), as in the rebus with changes (replacing the elements in the subjects), as in the rebus with insertion (within the subjects) or as in the rebus with discard (removing them from the subjects). In the same rebus each grapheme can either belong to one of these types.
  • Rebus Onomastico (Onomastic Rebus puzzle)

    It is a rebus whose solution is a famous name or name and surname.
  • Rebus Sandwich (Sandwich Rebus puzzle)

    Rebus without graphemes, the subjects are indicated by asterisks. The solution is obtained by splitting the first word and inserting the next one or more, without splitting them.
  • Rebus Stereoscopico (Stereoscopic Rebus puzzle)

    It is a rebus where the actions described are performed in the past or will happen in the future. The drawing is composed by two or more scenes showing the progress of actions in the period of time. When the graphemes are in the first scene the action will be done in the future; vice versa, when the graphemes are in the last scene the action has been done in the past (or, in particular cases, in the present).
  • Rebus Stereoscopico a Cambio (Stereoscopic Rebus puzzle with changes)

    This a stereoscopic rebus with the graphemes added according to the rules of a rebus with changes.
  • Scambio di consonanti (Exchange of consonants)

    From a word you get a new one changing the position of two consonants not close to each other (e.g.: SarTo, TarSo).
  • Scambio di estremi (Exchange of extremes)

    From a word you get a new one exchanging the position of the first and last letters (e.g.: AstiO, OstiA).
  • Scambio di lettere (Exchange of letters)

    From a word you get a new one exchanging the position of a vowel with a consonant not close to each other (e.g.: carIaTo, carTaIo).
  • Scambio di serie (Exchange of series)

    Game created by ModestoVallerana.
    From two words you will get two new ones changing the sequence of vowels.
    The third word has the consonants of the first and the vowels of the second.
    The fourth word has the consonants of the second and the vowels of the first.
    e.g.: COSE DATI >> CASI DOTE.
  • Scambio di sillabe (Exchange of syllables)

    From a word you get a new one exchanging the position of two syllables (e.g.: SCAlo, loSCA).
  • Scambio di vocali (Exchange of vowels)

    From a word you get a new one exchanging the position of two vowels not close to each other (e.g.: cOscA, cAscO).
  • Scarto (Discard)

    From a word you get a new one discarding a letter inside the word (e.g.: marcHe, marce). It can also be syllabic.
  • Scarto biletterale (Biliteral Discard)

    It's like a Discard, but with the elimination of two letters not constituting a syllab.
  • Scarto di estremi (Discard of extremes)

    From a word you get a new one discarding a letter at the beginning and one at the end of the word (e.g.: MalesiA, alesi).
  • Scarto finale (Discard of final letter)

    From a word you get a new one discarding a letter at the end of the word (e.g.: dossierE, dossier). It can also be syllabic.
  • Scarto iniziale (Discard of initial letter)

    From a word you get a new one discarding a letter at the beginning of the word (e.g.: Norma, orma). It can also be syllabic.
  • Sciarada (Charade)

    Joining two words you will get a third one (e.g.: maggio, lino = maggiolino).
  • Sciarada a scarto (Discarde Charade)

    The two (or more) words joined lose one or more letters (e.g.: verO, detto = verdetto).
  • Sciarada alterna (Alternate Charade)

    From two words you will get a third one dividing the words into two parts and alternating parts of the first word with parts of the second one (e.g.: MAGI, alata = MalAGIata).
  • Sciarada incatenata (Chained Charade)

    From two words you will get a third one merging the final letters of the first and the initial ones of the second which are equal (e.g.: casSA, SAno = casSAno).
  • Slittamento di raddoppio (Shifting of double consonant)

    In a word or phrase containing a double consonant, doubling a simple consonant and eliminating one of the double ones, you will get another word or phrase (e.g.: colloso, colosso) (e.g.: addestrare, ad estrarre).
  • Spostamento d'accento (Shift of accent)

    From a word you get a new one shifting an accent (e.g.: formìca, fòrmica).
  • Spostamento di consonante (Shift of consonant)

    From a word you get a new one shifting a consonant (e.g.: cReta, cetRa).
  • Spostamento di sillaba (Shift of syllable)

    From a word you get a new one shifting a syllable (e.g.: TRIvelle, velleTRI).
  • Spostamento di sillaba a frase (Phrase shifting of a syllable)

    From a phrase you get a new one shifting a syllable in the phrase itself (e.g.: REpertori, per toREri).
  • Spostamento di vocale (Shift of vowel)

    From a word you get a new one shifting a vowel (e.g.: museO, mOuse).
  • Transgrafia (Antipode Rebus)

    It is a rebus without or with graphemes whose solution is obtained by moving the first letter of the first word in the bottom of the last and reading contrariwise as in the Antipodo
    (e.g.: Faci, melo, pera = Fare polemica).
  • Verbis (Verbis)

    Verbis is like a rebus without pictures.
    The text is a description of a static or dynamic scene, or an event from which the solution is obtained.
    The number and lenght of the words is indicated by the diagram.
    The difference with the rebus is that, in the verbis, coniugated verbs, abstract concepts, sensations are used.
  • Zeppa (Wedge)

    From a word you get a new one inserting a letter (e.g.: barone, barBone).
  • Zeppa Anagrammata (Wedge with Anagram)

    From a word you get a new one inserting a letter and making the anagram (e.g.: albero, borEale).
  • Zeppa biletterale (Biliteral Wedge)

    From a word you get a new one inserting two letters (e.g.: grasso, grADasso).
  • Zeppa continuativa (Continuous wedge)

    After entering a letter, you must find a sentence of a meaning similar to the one of the given word or phrase. The two parts are a continuation one of the other and the sequence of words, as a whole, represents a sentence with a continuative sense (e.g. mitra nel Colosseo (4, 1, 4) = arma a Roma [C. Rattegni]).
  • Zeppa sillabica (Syllabic Wedge)

    From a word you get a new one inserting a syllable (e.g.: portale, portaTIle).